Wes Carroll's Puzzler
Easy to visualize but challenging to solve: that's the kind of math puzzle you get here, one per episode. (Do you love the Car Talk Puzzler too? Yeah, that's what I'm trying for here, only with even more of a math bent.)
Wes Carroll's Puzzler
15: Coats of paint [***]
Wes Carroll
Audio Player
00:00 | 03:41
Working alone, I put two coats of paint on a wall, one before lunch and one after. Yesterday, I began at the usual time. Two hours before lunch I was joined by my good friend Aidan, who paints at the rate of 600 sqft per workday, and who left just as the first coat was finished. I promptly began the second coat, and had lunch at the usual time. One hour before quitting time, I had painted a second coat everywhere except where Aidan had painted that morning. If we each have the same workday, and if each of us works at a constant rate (albeit not necessarily the same rate as the other), what was the area of the wall?
Spiciness: *** out of ****